Klinger Studios, located at Nine Pines in Yellow Springs, OH, has hosted art classes and events and we hope to do more in the future. For comments and questions - go to "About Us" or email cklinger333@gmail.com. I suppose we will be on facebook too at some point. So stay safe, stay tuned and stay in touch. Thanks for visiting!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
There's plenty of room - and a still a little time - to sign up for our Llama Life Drawing workshop by Sharon Stolzenberger. Sharon has taught for Springs Gallery before and she is very good - skilled, creative and nurturing. The class is this coming Saturday, June 2, 2-4 pm on Kings Yard outside Springs Gallery. Don't let the llama be lonely! (Actually, we need sign ups by Thursday - Friday at the very latest. If we don't get a few more - we'll need to postpone it for another time.) Come join us -it will be fun!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
with Sharon Stolzenberger
Where: Outside the gallery on Kings Yard, 220 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH
When: Saturday, June 2, 2012, 2PM – 4PM
Fee: $30; minimal supplies needed; advance registration is required.
In this workshop we will be working from a live model, practicing skills needed to draw from life. The instructor will demonstrate and discuss ways to sketch the model from contour to gesture drawings to finished drawings. Participants will have ample time to work from the model. Supplies needed can be inexpensive drawing paper, HB pencils, charcoal, charcoal pencils, crayons...whatever makes marks that you are comfortable working with. Also bring a few sheets of good drawing paper with a sturdy board (foamcore, gatorbord, plywood) and clips for the paper.
Instructor Sharon Stolzenberger is a graduate of the Dayton Art Institute. She began her art career as an illustrator, then art director, with Gibson Greeting Card Company. Now self-employed, she paints full time and exhibits in Springs Gallery and in art shows throughout the country. Her mixed media paintings have won awards in many Ohio Watercolor Society exhibitions and have exhibited nationally in the Society of Animal Artists annual exhibitions. Sharon’s work has also been included in books such as New Creative Collage Techniques and Confident Color by Nita Leland, both from North Light Books.
The above picture is titled “Spittin’ Images.” It is from an original 22 x 30" Sharon Stolzenberger watercolor painting. For information on how to register for this workshop, call Springs Gallery at 937-409-5047, email springsgallery@earthlink.net, or visit us at 220 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, or on Facebook.
Saturday, June 2, 2012, 2 PM – 4 PM
Fee: $30, minimal supplies needed.
Participant’s name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Payment by:
_____ Cash
_____ Check #: __________
_____ Credit Card #: ____________________________ Exp.Date: ________Code:______
The workshop will be held outside Springs Gallery on Kings Yard. For questions, contact the gallery at 937-409-5047, 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387, springsgallery@earthlink.net, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, and www.facebook.com/springsgallery. Minimum age is 18; minimum class size is 5, maximum is 12. Deadline for registration & payment is 5/31/12. (If we reach minimum we will open it up to later registrations). Cancellation deadline (with refund) is the Sunday preceding the workshop. Minimal supplies needed; see sites for info. Come prepared to have fun!