Klinger Studios, located at Nine Pines in Yellow Springs, OH, has hosted art classes and events and we hope to do more in the future. For comments and questions - go to "About Us" or email cklinger333@gmail.com. I suppose we will be on facebook too at some point. So stay safe, stay tuned and stay in touch. Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sea Glass Wire Wrapping Workshop is a Go! - New One Planned for 10/20/12
Our Sea Glass Wirewrapping Workshop with Catherine Wicks, set for Saturday, September 8th - is going as scheduled. And we now have 2 people on a wait list for the next one! So we are offering another on Saturday, October 20, 2012, 2 - 4 PM. Won't you join us? Details are below (scroll down) but, as always, feel free to drop an email or call for more info. Thanks!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
8/30/12 Painting Workshop Cancelled
Must be the heat. Many expressed interest but not enough signed up, so we are cancelling our 8/30/12 painting workshop with Mike Elsass. Maybe we'll try it again later.
However, our September wire wrap jewely class is a go - in fact we only have one spot left. First come first served! If you are interested please stop in, email, or call. Catherine is limiting the class to 5 so she can give lots of attention to everyone, but if we get more interest - we will plan another class!
However, our September wire wrap jewely class is a go - in fact we only have one spot left. First come first served! If you are interested please stop in, email, or call. Catherine is limiting the class to 5 so she can give lots of attention to everyone, but if we get more interest - we will plan another class!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Quick Note on the Wire Wrap Class--
We need to limit the enrollment for the Sea Glass Wirewrapping class to 5. Two people have registered and several more have said they plan to. So at this point it's "first come first served." However, I will be taking contact info. from folks who are interested beyond the 5 max. and, Catherine says, "we can schedule a new one!"
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sea Glass Wire Wrapping Jewelry Workshop at Springs Gallery
Summer Memories--
NEW Jewelry Workshop with Catherine Wicks
Sat., October 20, 2012, 2 – 4 PM
Cost: $40
Come to Springs Gallery for an afternoon to learn the basics of wire wrapping jewelry. We’ll wrap some sea glass (of your choice) and make an elegant, 18” long pendant necklace and matching earrings. Make an original creation as a gift for yourself or a friend. All materials and tools are provided. Advance registration is required. Come and have fun!
For more information and to register, contact Springs Gallery, 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387, springsgallery@earthlink.net, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, 937-409-5047.
Necklace by Catherine Wicks
Photo by Christine Klinger
Sea Glass Wire Wrapping Workshop with Catherine Wicks
1st one: September 8, 2012, 2 – 4 PM
Cost: $40 (FULL)
New Class: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 2 - 4 PM
Cost: $40
Advance registration is required. The deadline to register is 2 days before the workshop; the deadline to cancel with refund is the Sunday of the week preceding the workshop.
Payment by:
___Check #: _______
___Credit Card#___________________________________________
Exp. Date: _______ Code_____
Students will meet at Springs Gallery and show receipt or identification. Workshop will be held in Springs Gallery. For more info. contact the gallery at 937-409-5047, 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387, springsgallery@earthlink.net, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, or on facebook. Come prepared to have fun!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Join Us for 8/30/12 Painting Workshop with Mike Elsass!
Thursday, August 30, 2012, 4 pm – 6 pm
Dayton painter Mike Elsass is known for his striking abstract acrylic paintings on rusted steel. He has painted and taught throughout Canada and the U.S. (including Springs Gallery in Yellow Springs) and we’re happy to have him here with us again this year to share his knowledge and materials in two fun, spontaneous sessions. Mike’s artwork is represented in fine art galleries throughout the country, including Springs Gallery in Yellow Springs, OH.
The class will take place outside Springs Gallery on Kings Yard. There is no age limit. All materials and supplies are provided and students can take home a piece of their own creation. The cost is $70; Mike provides everything. Advance registration is required. Registration forms are available on the gallery site: www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, on www.facebook.com/springsgallery, and in Springs Gallery, 220 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Students must present the gallery with a paid receipt in order to receive their materials and participate on that day.
Questions? – Contact Springs Gallery at springsgallery@earthlink.net, 937-409-5047. Come prepared to get messy and have fun. We hope you will join us in this art adventure!
Class fee: $70
Participant’s name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Payment by:
_____ Cash
_____ Check #: __________
_____ Credit Card #: _________________________________ Exp. Date: _______ Code_______
Students will meet at Springs Gallery and show receipt or identification, if necessary. Workshop will be held outside the gallery on Kings Yard. For more info. contact Springs Gallery, 937-409-5047, 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387, springsgallery@earthlink.net, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, or on facebook. Come prepared to get messy and have fun!