Artistic Jewelry Workshop with Fine Silver Clay—A Step-by-Step Project for Beginners:
Create a Pure Silver Domed Pendant
Saturday, January 14, 2012, Noon – 4 PM
Fees: $50 paid to Springs Gallery with registration; $40 material and supply fee paid to instructor at class.
Participant’s name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Payment by:
_____ Cash
_____ Check #: __________
_____ Credit Card #: _______________________________ Exp. Date: ____________
The workshop will be held at Springs Gallery. For questions, contact Springs Gallery, 220 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, OH 45387, phone: 937-409-5047, springsgallery@earthlink.net, www.springsgallery.blogspot.com, and on Facebook. Deadline to sign up is the Thursday before the workshop. Deadline to cancel with refund is the Sunday before the workshop. Come prepared to have fun!